Get to know us & relive our journey


Mr. Nonofo Wilfred Mataboge is a pastor, counsellor, consultant, conference speaker, and social innovator. He is married to Mrs. Moitshephi Mataboge and together are blessed with two children. He graduated with a BA in Theology and Ministry from Vision International University, California and Advanced Certificate in IT and Business Skills from Botho University. In addition, he underwent training on introduction to Social Innovation at University of Cape Town through Causera and Local Economic Development from Erasmus University. He has been doing pastoral work since 2003. As a consultant and counselor, N. Mataboge provides professional services to individuals, corporations, and organizations on strategic leadership development. Mrs. Moitshephi Mataboge graduated with Bachelor of Social Work from University of Botswana and also holds a Diploma in Real Estate from BA Isago University. She has served as a social worker under the then ministry of local development from 2003-2011.

Mr Nonofo Wilfred Mataboge


We have capabilities

With a decade of experience, our technical team has been renowned for their excellent input for all projects to date. For years our team has excelled in their capabilities to the impressive level that today keeps our clients happy with us. We believe the professional’s hands always prioritize foremost to the client’s satisfaction and happiness. 

  • We listen, suggest, and update 92% 92%
  • We provide peace of mind 80% 80%
  • We Stand by Our Values 70% 70%


Meet Our Awesome Team

Our team maintains a subtle accessibility and working relationship which guarantee our clients full-time attention whenever they need our help

Nonofo W Mataboge


Our team maintains subtle accessibility and working relationship which guarantee our clients full-time attention whenever they need our help

MOitshephi Mataboge



My encounter with Leadership Craft Network (LCN) came at a point in my life where my destiny was at a crossroads. I was privileged to meet with its founder and president Apostle Nonofo Mataboge, an authentic leader and mentor who was able to help me introspect and redefine my purpose.  Not only is he a man of God with in-depth knowledge of the kingdom and spiritual matters but he also has a very high emotional IQ and understanding of people. Through LCN, I had access to detailed methodology and simple yet inspiring and easily relatable strategies that came in handy in re-evaluating and shaping my character and positively influenced my views on issues of leadership and ministry. Without a doubt, I can confidently assert that LCN has had a positive impact on my life by contributing immensely to both my personal growth, leadership development and destiny at large.

Anikie Mathoma

Masters of Public Health (MPH) and PhD in Public Health

I enrolled on the LCN one-year mentorship program from December 2019 to November 2020. I opted for the leadership and strategic planning component of the program as I was looking to be more organised in my personal life and business ventures. More often than not, we set goals and pursue activities that lead to the realisation of these goals in a work environment and not at a personal level. My conviction is that as much as performance management facilitates productivity in the workplace, we should uphold and apply the same principles in our daily lives. The program has given me more clarity on setting business goals and drawing pathways to achieving them. In terms of leadership, I’m more decisive and bold to say no to time wasters and agendas that do not add value to my business and career goals.

Wame L. Hambira (PhD)

Associate Professor of Environmental Management

My first encounter with LCN was quite a life transforming experience. The teachings in that minister’s seminar were not as the common ones that normally happen in leader’s seminars, as they were strategically designed to reach down to our core, to deal with issues that we have bottled for so long that has negative impact in our personal and ministerial lives. The pain, hurt and unforgivenes from my childhood that i “thought i have forgotten” about years ago was all brought to light that these were still very much alive and remain stains in my life and walk with God. It was after when we were given an opportunity to reflect, confess and pray out all these stains and forgive our past that i felt that weight being lifted off.
In most cases, many leadership seminars are directed towards being a better leader, how to lead, steps to this and that, but hardly ever address a leader as an individual or issues that affect a leader personally outside the realm of being a leader. So LCN is really crafting leaders, from personal issues to when you stand before masses.

Boineelo L Mokgweetsi

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